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official program

February 22 2024

Thank you to Lifeworld for hosting this event!!


Disturbing Film _ Alex Greenblatt

A parrot and a little man go to the movies and have a short but profound conversation en route.

Distrubing Film

Knots _ Leor Miller

Text from R.D. Laing’s Knots & images from appropriated YouTube videos - Inside & outside - Creation & destruction - Microcosm & macrocosm - Body & universe - Eternal return


Hand Model _ Tate Hoffmaster

An examination of the fetishization and primal roots within industries such as hand modeling.

Hand Model

The quick brown fox _ Brandon Paterno

text and adapted text, input and output, and torn sprocket holes. a quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

quick brown fox

Penguin Stew _ Dante Capone

Penguin Stew

INFINI _ Mia Blue

A film about bodies as art.


Penny Wise, A Dollar Foolish _ Lucky Marvel

Greetings, beautiful shopper. Penny Wise, A Dollar Foolish is a virtual entry into Concord Mall, Delaware’s second-largest shopping mall.

penny wise a dollar foolish

Milk Infomercial 2 _ Tempest Creation

Starring Ava Scott / Directed by Tempest Creation / Wardrobe by Astrid Parker

milk infomercial 2

Witness to the Murder of a Deer _ Ben Lipkin

Money, money come to me. With this spell, I set myself free.

witness to the murder of a deer

Downloading Salvation _ Sabrina Sommer

downloading salvation is minute and 23 second screen recording of 369 images of prayer candles being downloaded to the users desktop while ambient catholic hymns play in the background. The code was written in terminal language and scrapes every image from 20 search result pages of “Prayer Candles” off of The majority of the candles downloaded replace saints with figures of pop culture and politics with ranging levels of obscurity and popularity.

Downloading Salvation

Strange Woman _ Amina Gingold

Strange Woman (2020) is a video piece containing several chapters of women in visceral spheres. Whispers, secrets, tingling sounds, and tangible textures fill the void of stories which have been left forgotten.

strange woman

Secret _ Jack Warren

Love and death meet by the waters of paradise.


As I was moving ahead occasionally I saw brief glimpses of mayhem _ Brian Haver-Scanlon {3}

A broken memory - the sacrilegious marriage between Jonas Mekas and Michael Bay.

hi jonas

PT.1 RT : 45 mins



Étude for Hokushin Apollo QL-100: 16mm silent black-and-white-and-color, live accompaniment in stereo sound and spoken word. The voice of the projector is regurgitated and extended over a series of images and text, an automated call-and-response mimicking the memory of the seasons and rehearsing a future myth of nature-place haunted by a poet. Image: Will VanKoughnett / Sound: Ryan Wolfe / Text: Serin Lee / Featuring: Thom Niemann


Silent Clinking _ Ayesha Bashir

This piece reconstructs memory through cultural memorabilia and explores the role of objects in fostering nostalgia. It also investigates the reliability of memory as a form of remembrance, as the protagonist fails to remember her first memory.

This film is left intentionally unsubtitled as I wanted my non-Urdu/Hindi-speaking audience to understand the piece emotionally and visually, and I believe that the sentiments conveyed are not difficult to decipher. A learning experience of sorts, that most immigrants end up with while learning English.

This piece also pays homage to one of my favorite poets, Aria Aber, and her piece: The Only Cab Service of Farmington, Maine. It has helped me remember and I am very grateful for that.

silent clinking

Another New World _ Evie Rosheger

A person is transported to a planet where things feel familiar yet new. There is much to discover here.

another new world

Perfect Flowers for the Scum Generation _ Wilde Davis

Inspired by their putrid desire for this butch hustler named Hollywood, this queer triptych follows a clan of revolutionary femmes as they are driven to righteous violence. It’s pro-drug anti-fascist queer propaganda in gorgeous Super 8mm!

perfect flowers for the scum generation

Obituary _ Danny Tee

A dead man's soul wanders along a trail in the foothills of the Ojai Mountains. He finds a bench dedicated to him.


PT.2 RT : 42 mins
